Manufacturer of Industrial Photo Tools

English | Japanese

English documentation and brochures top the list of requirements for the overseas marketing of sensitized materials for photolithography. For such needs, we always request translation by Green Leaf Corporation. Our customers comprise mostly the managers and technicians working in the high-precision industry. For them, the materials they use and the product yield and material defects of any given technology are matters of daily concern.

Technical documents for such specialists must of course be written in accurate and suitable English. Otherwise, serious problems with the customer, caused by mistakes in the written content, can easily flare up down the line.

I myself have had the painful experience of producing completely incomprehensible English documents because of translators with no knowledge of either sensitized materials or the photolitho industry. For a non-native English speaker, checking a translation already involves considerable time and labor. If on top of this the translation is incorrect, time and labor requirements swell enormously. I have even wondered why I paid to have some translations done in the first place. It was as if I had used famously useless translation software.

Green Leaf, however, produces extremely accurate translation not only because of their extensive experience, but also because for each translation job they always verify the purpose of the document and make sure they understand the technical content.

Green Leaf translation is highly valued by our overseas dealers and customers, allowing me, the author of the original technical document, to take pride in the results.

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